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October 09, 2019


John Addington

You tell me the upgrade is in the game, but the game won't open since the upgrade. I need the upgrade via a different method.

Nancy Magnee

I have been playing Solitaire for a few years, and this is the first notification that i have to reorder. Do i get discs as well?
I have enjoyed playing this game in my spare time. Please let me know and thank you for your anticipated response.


I have enjoyed this program for multiple years. I want thank you for your commitment to provide quality games. I also commend you for your continuing support for those of us that have played your games for a long time. It is rare to find anyone that provides such support without insisting that you purchase an update with every enhancement that you make for your product. I have, and will continue to recommend this to anyone looking for good games.

Again, thank you!


Any chance of a version for Android operating system?

Thomas Warfiield

No, we have no plans for an Android version.

Margarethe Daly

Is there any way to choose Las Vegas (cumulative pot) scoring in Klondike solitaire? High total cumulative scores are one of the motivations for continuing to play.

Thomas Warfield

No, there is no Vegas scoring option in the Mac game, it is only in the Windows game.

If you want to play for a cumulative score, try Climb Mode by clicking on the Climb Mode button on the main screen. In Climb Mode, you play starting at game #1 in sequence for a cumulative score.

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