Last month our 17 year old cat Ace passed away. We have now acquired two new kittens.
They are female dilute calico kittens, adopted from a great local cat rescue organization, the Forever Home Feline Ranch. They are 4 months old, and came completely vet checked, with all their vaccinations and they were even spayed. They are extremely active and friendly.
We have named them Bandit and Caramel. Bandit has a black marking on the back of her head that looks like a bandanna, but she has earned the Bandit name from her behavior. Caramel is just the sweetest and friendliest lap kitten ever.
Our two older cats, Pumpkin and Random, are still getting used to the new arrivals. Random in particular has to get used to not being the youngest cat anymore, a position he has held for 9 years, since he was a new kitten.
More pictures to come!
They are adorable. May they bring you many years of joy.
Posted by: Margaret B Kober | September 21, 2016 at 06:47 PM
Bandit and Caramel are truly gorgeous! Welcome girls, and my sympathies go to Pumpkin and Random, although surely they will soon find themselves adopting the newcomers too, and it will be a happier extended family, the more the merrier!
Posted by: Norberto Levin | September 23, 2016 at 10:35 AM
I love your puzzles almost as much as I love your love for cats.
Posted by: Jeneva Stoffels | September 23, 2016 at 11:38 AM
Congratulations. I certainly appreciate your sharing about your kitties. I've had cats all my life and enjoy them immensely. Am getting on in years, so the one I have left (the second one I had died last spring), is also getting on in years, has a thyroid condition, so is slowly going too. Lei Lu will be my last since I do not think I have the ability to care for another. My old body just doesn't work like it used to. Almost all my kitties lived long lives...into their late teens or even early twenties, and I know they were happy as well as I have been. Now as I type, my Lei Lu is purring away laying on my arm with her head on my wrist. They love to get in your face, don't they? Well, thank you again for sharing with us all, and thank you for your games. They're such fun even though I often forget the mechanics of the downloading, etc. Blessings to you!
Posted by: C. Tampien | September 24, 2016 at 09:48 AM
Thank you for sharing your kitties with us. I adopted a calico kitten October 2, 2016 as a companion for my two year old tortoise shell as we lost our 12 year old tuxedo to throat cancer. We were both lonely and this new baby has been such a blessed addition. Wish there was some way I could share pictures of my girls with you.
Posted by: Shannon Alexander | February 18, 2017 at 05:52 PM