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January 15, 2016


Sandi Fox

I'm glad you are a cat person, too. Isn't it funny how they change over the years. Ace is just like our Annie. We named her Annie because her mom cat was killed when she was only a couple of weeks old so she became little Orphan Annie. As she got older she was like Annie Oakley, always running around and getting in fights with her brother. Now that she is almost 12, she is figuring out that laps and combing and snuggles are pretty good - most of the time. Hope all your fur babies have a good 2016.

Natalie Tyler

They may be old, but they are glamourous. Thank you for posting their pictures.

Linda Lorenzo

Glad to hear that the crisis is over and the kitties are doing well. Good health to you all.

Sandra Sturdy

I use your cats as my background for games and also the cat card sets. Glad they're doing well. We have a new cat after a few years of only dogs. We love our precious Katniss ❤

Mary Lazo

Glad to hear everyone is doing better.Our fur babies light up our lives!

Jean Stokes

Misty is a rescue cat and soft, fluffy and cheeky. Tackles our whippet Bella
when ever she can, but also washes her face for her.

Robert Corrigan

My Cat looked just like Ace and I had her for 17 years. Her Name was Scooter and she passed away in Sept 17, 2013
I am still not over it and to replace her would be very costly 150.00 - 175.00 at the SPCA. I live alone and scooter
was great company for me. I hope your Kitties live long and be healthy.


I have 4 rescue cats, all around 11 years old. They bless me every day Thanks for posting. John Wayne is sitting on my lap as I type. Named that by my grand daughter because of the way he walked as a kitten.

John Rembetski

Glad to hear they are hanging in there! It is always difficult as they get older, but overall the positives greatly outweigh the tough times. We have 4 that are > 12 years old, and our fingers are crossed - so far, so good..... Best of luck to you and them!

Lita Letourneau

So glad your fur babies are doing well! We have adopted a feral red fire-point and her 4 kittens to add to our Rescue home. We have our original Feral we adopted (believe him to be around 16-17 years old)...we love our fur babies and our human babies (well, not...youngest is 17)...LOVE your game...I have purchased since version 11 or 12...would really LOVE an Android version as we aren't I-people (also for my galaxy tablet would be fantastic as the Android Solitaire games really don't hold a candle to yours)...please consider us Android people in 2016...thanks for an amazing Solitaire Suite :0)



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