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July 29, 2015


Lynne from Virginia

I upgraded to Windows10 yesterday, and without thinking (and before your email arrived today), just clicked on the PGS shortcut. It did it's installation thing and I'm pleased to report that everything went fine, including the preservation of my stats! Of course anyone who cares passionately about their stats might want to take the precaution you recommend.

I do have to agree that PGS seems to play even better in 10. I'm delighted, as I've been a fan of PGS for longer than I can remember and I know for a fact that it was the first shareware (there's an ancient term) I ever purchased.

Thanks for hours of fun!


Huh ... I upgraded to W-10 ... and after having waited over an hour for the system to finally complete it's gyrations ... the first thing I did was simply run PGS ... Everything came over without a problem. All my ststs, favorites and screen settings. I never realized there COULD be a problem!

ronald leclair

Help, I can't resize cards to fill the screen on windows 10.

Thomas Warfield

To resize the cards, just go to the Options menu in the game, select Card Size.


Thanks Thomas. I just wondering how to resize the cards as well.

K. T. Wally

Love your product. I am addicted to Spiderette. I play "my way" now: If I get stuck, I try to figure an alternative winning strategy using the backspace key. Most of the times it works. I keep records of the "hard" , "very Hard" and "super hard" games. There was one deal which required dealing out all the cards before moving any any dealt card! Now I notice that, even though the game numbers are different, the cards are the same. It's getting boring. Can you fix this bug?
Friar Ted

Thomas Warfiield

No, the cards are always different if the game number is different. I know of no issue with this. A different game number will always give a different deal of cards.

If somehow you are seeing anything different, send me screenshots.

Gregg Seelhoff

Friar Ted,

Have you tried selecting 'Options->Options...' from the menu (or the 'Options' button on the toolbar), then 'Cards and Decks', then changing the selection under 'Select a Card Deck set:'?

If you choose 'Internet->Download Additional Card Sets', you can find all sorts of different card sets. There is even a special one only for subscribers to the Goodsol newsletter. [Hint!]

Good luck!

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