Previously: Solitaire Cats Vet Bills Sale
Yesterday, we took our two sick cats to the vet. We got good news and bad news.

Pumpkin is getting better. She is not hiding anymore, she is eating (a lot), and looks much better. The vet is concerned that she is not gaining weight back, so she is on new meds to help that. She now gets two meds once a day, but one is just on her food and the other is a liquid, so it isn't too bad. She has to go in again in a few weeks for another check, but it looks like she will eventually be fine.

Unfortunately Ace is not doing as well. She will turn 16 in a few weeks and age is catching up to her. She is getting weak and the kidney issues are winning. We are increasing the fluids we give her everyday, but at this point that is about all we can do. Fortunately, she seems to be enjoying life and watching birds and continues to just get friendlier and more vocal all the time. As long as she continues to enjoy whatever time she has left, then it is good.
Here is a video that shows what we do with Ace every day.
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