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June 28, 2015


Jayne S

I already own your games, and it's one of the best apps I own! But I'd like to donate $10 to help with your kitty bills. Is there a way to do that?

Thomas Warfield

I hadn't really considered that, but we have PayPal using the address [email protected].

Alessandra Capella

I am an avid cat lover and have two myself. I pray that your cats get better and live long lives. Thanks for sharing. God Bless.

Colleen Edwards

I have played your games for many years and have thoroughly enjoyed them!

We just lost our Suki last month (11 yrs) and would like to make a small donation to you in her memory. How can we go about doing this?


Mara Horsley

I have enjoyed the games for so many years, had the cat cards since they came out, we love pussycats. I would also like to donate, so I will send an email to the address you provided above. I hope they are better soon.


We kept our Bella going for more than 2 years with those subcutaneous injections of water, so we are well aware of the cost of the tests and maintenance. But they bring joy to our lives and we have to care of them. We already have your wonderful Pretty Good Solitaire, but will make a donation to help.

R.Robert Burdick

I had good sol on my computer till it went down an could not get it back.I had disc frommy son in law lyel button an ihave tried to put in the code ,but it does not work an I would like to get it back

Jean Davenport

I have had your Solitaire games form many years and have gotten fiends & relatives too get them also. I even have most of the card sets. Good luck with the vet bills snd have a safe and good 4th of July

Kristi Sanders

I also already own Pretty Good Solitaire & have been playing it for years. I do not have a PayPal account, but if you can figure out another way to collect donations I would gladly contribute. Best wishes to the kitties.

Tony De La Rosa

I would like to give a cash donation as several above have requested. Why don't you set up a Crowd Fund request for your cats on http://www.gofundme.com/

Pat Gordon

I understand huge vet bills! My Yorkie, Bear, is allergic to fleas! I bet we spent over $500.00 in vet bills last summer for Bear just getting his allergy under control.

I have played your games for many years and I love them. I will be buying the games for PC later today.


It only comes up with the Mac version for 19.95 and not windows


I am so sorry to hear about your cats. For some reason my PGS crashed when I shut my computer down and I came to your site to request my old user number, but I will happily re-purchase if it will help. You may like this story - I believe I was at 890 or so perfect Big Spider Solitaire games and my cat Tyk`l walked across the keyboard somehow generating a new game, ruining my perfect record. 890. Perfect. Games. She has managed to recapture this priceless moment on several occasions whenever I start to re-accumulate a healthy number. I still love her.
My thoughts and wishes are with you and your animals. Take care,

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