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April 20, 2015


Jason Andrews

The new game group, the sir tommy type....will that happen for the Mac version in the near future?

I know that there is a type group for Terrace on the windows version....how come that group is only on windows and not on the mac version?

Looking forward to seeing what new games there will be for the window version that would come to Mac version later in the year.

Gregg Seelhoff

>The new game group, the sir tommy type....will that happen for the Mac version in the near future?

This may happen eventually, but you can create your own right now.

>I know that there is a type group for Terrace on the windows version....how come that group is only on windows and not on the mac version?

This was a design decision made when groups were first added to the Mac version (and Terrace may have been the only game in that group).

We are reconsidering how to manage the automatic groups on the Mac, but any changes are not likely to occur within the next few updates. (Our focus is primarily on adding games.)

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