I have just finished the book How to Gain 100,000 Twitter Followers by M. Lemont. It's a very interesting read and I highly recommend the book if you are interested in how Twitter works.
If you ignore the catchy title (which no doubt will cause all kinds of debates about how likely anyone will be able to replicate the author's success in getting that number of followers), what this book is really about is how Twitter works (and not the technical side, how it works for people using it).
Before I get to the book itself, some background on how I came to read the book in the first place. For some time I've been fed up with my traditional marketing results with things like Google Adwords, which was once wonderfully effective but has gotten steadily worse over the years. In February, I decided to concentrate my efforts on social media: Facebook, Google+, and Twitter. I have had accounts on all 3 for years, but used them only sporadically. I have tried Facebook advertising with dismal results. I decided to post on each site at least once per day and see what happens.
What happened was my Facebook and Google+ pages basically just sat there like dumb rocks and my Twitter page took off like a rocket. I started in February with 150 followers, by the start of March I had 165, by mid-March 200 - and then a stunning 500 at the end of March.
So after experiencing that kind of growth, obviously I was interested in what I could do to grow it even more. Then I see that the book How to Gain 100,000 Twitter Followers by M. Lemont was just released and I had to buy it just to see what it might contain.
The author of the book grew his Twitter account to 100,000 followers in about a year and the book is about the methods he used to do it. Along the way, the author explains a lot about the culture of Twitter users and how Twitter users interact with one another. Even if you aren't interested in gaining followers fast, you'll learn a lot about how people use Twitter.
In the core of the book the author identifies what he calls "The Six Powerful Factors" that he used to gain followers. I will not name them here (no spoilers!). I found I was already using 3 of them (maybe 4 on a good day), which explains my solid followers growth for the past month. It only stands to reason that if I apply all 6 I should be able to increase that growth even more.
The book explains how to find people to follow and methods to increase the likelihood that they will follow you back. It explains the limits Twitter imposes on how many people you can follow, and so on. It explains how to tweet and retweet effectively so that more people will follow you. It tells you what software the author uses to follow people, unfollow them, and find new followers.
The main thing that probably no one will emphasize is that the methods explained in this book are a lot of work. Clearly you have to spend a lot of time doing the 6 Factors and you have to do them every day.
You will not get 100,000 followers by reading this book. Probably very few people who read the book will. I probably won't. This book is not about some quick easy way. You can only get them by doing. Most people will read and not do.
But based on what I know already from my experience this past month, by actually doing the things that this book describes you will increase the growth rate of getting Twitter followers. And then it is just the mathematics of how long you do it that will determine how many you will get.
So if you are interested in growing your Twitter following, this is a fabulous book to buy.