There are several hundred original solitaire games in Pretty Good Solitaire, many of them invented by me. Here are the 7 most popular:
1) Demons and Thieves
Demons and Thieves is one of my first and most successful inventions. It has a split tableau, on the left side the tableau is like the game Canfield and on the right side it is like Forty Thieves.
Demons and Thieves has been so popular it has its own variations, generally to make the game a little harder.
How to Play Demons and Thieves Solitaire
2) Lady Jane
Lady Jane is a two deck Klondike variation named after our cat Lady Jane. It is very easy to win but is nevertheless quite popular.
How to Play Lady Jane Solitaire
3) Free Fan
Free Fan is a variation of the classic game Fan. It adds two cells to make Fan easy and also more strategic. Free Fan was invented by Gregg Seelhoff.
How to Play Free Fan Solitaire
4) Triple FreeCell
Triple FreeCell is a 3 deck variation of FreeCell. As you can see, there are a lot of cards. It is safe to say that it is going to take you a lot longer to win Triple FreeCell than regular FreeCell.
How to Play Triple FreeCell Solitaire
5) Agnes Three
Agnes Three is another 3 deck original game. It is a 3 deck version of the game Agnes Bernauer, which is a Klondike type game.
How to Play Agnes Three Solitaire
6) Thieves of Egypt
Thieves of Egypt is a popular original Forty Thieves type game. It takes a standard Forty Thieves type game and changes it to have a pyramid shaped tableau (most Forty Thieves type games have the same number of cards dealt to each pile).
How to Play Thieves of Egypt Solitaire
7) Antares
Antares is another original game with the split tableau (like Demons and Thieves). With Antares the tableau is split with one half like Scorpion and the other half like FreeCell. This combination has proven to be both interesting and popular.
That's 7 of the most popular original games in Pretty Good Solitaire - there are hundreds more, some of them variations of these 7 games.
PREVIOUSLY: 5 Easy Matching Solitaire Games