Our cat Inquisitor died yesterday of unknown but apparently natural causes. She was nearly 11 years old.
Inquisitor was adopted on October 9, 1999 as an approximately 4 month old kitten. She was adopted along with 2 month old Ace. The lady we adopted her from had rescued her and called her Playful, for she was an extremely active and friendly kitten.
At top, Last picture of Inquisitor. Above, first picture of Inquisitor.
She got her name because as a kitten she would get into everything and had to investigate everything. Her nickname was Quizzie. Throughout her life she was always the friendliest of our cats, usually she was the only one that would come out when strangers came over.
She had a very loud meow and and a very loud purr that would wake you in the morning.
She was especially Anne's cat, she would often follow Anne around. She spent a great deal of time sitting next to the computer while Anne was working. For most people who have ordered our games in the last few years. Inquisitor was there when Anne processed the order, providing quality control.
She had some long term health issues, which may or may not have contributed to her somewhat early death. However, she lived a very active life in her 11 years as she slept remarkably little as a young cat.
We have a lot of old pictures of her at Inquisitor Pictures.
She was featured many times on this blog in the CatBlogging topic, most recently for her 10th anniversary picture. Here are a couple of pictures from 2007.
She was featured as the Jack of Spades and the Jack of Clubs in our original Cat Card Set.
Inquisitor will be greatly missed. She is survived by Ace, with whom she was adopted, as well as Pumpkin and Random.
As a cat lover who has lost a beloved pet in the past, I can truly say that I am sorry for your loss. It's clear from the pictures that Quizzie was well-loved.
Posted by: Dave | May 14, 2010 at 05:24 PM
I am really sorry to hear about Inquisitor, Tom. I have played games of Quizzie and Inquisitor today in her honor.
Posted by: Gregg Seelhoff | May 15, 2010 at 02:14 PM
a place that you might support is tabbysplace.org, a cat santuary in new jersey for old or sick cats .
i have donated to them and from all i have seen over the years they deserve the help
Posted by: ellis glazier | May 18, 2010 at 04:13 PM
Our deepest condolences. Our lives were one graced by the presence of a beloved pet (she made it to almost 20), so we definitely understand the impact of this sad turn of events. It is, indeed, very clear that Miss Quizzie was well loved and will be deeply missed.
Posted by: S. | May 18, 2010 at 04:15 PM
I'm sure she is in cat heaven playing with the cats we have all lost in the past.
Posted by: lynnmarie | May 18, 2010 at 04:45 PM
I Love this newsletter with INQUISITOR and want to thank you so much for sharing all the information. I was just about to reinstall the 'Cat Cards' and now you have made it easier for me.And thanks for making it so easy to play my favorite game. I love your comment re you are not responsible for me letting 'things' go and especially losing sleep. Just one more game. It's very addictive. Peggy A Woolwine ps I am the responsible person for getting your application on facebook. My Daughter, Sheree, in another state knew I played a lot and I sent her the link. I am now getting responses from people like myself that are 'hooked'. THEY know what's goood. And another condolence for the INQUISITOR.
Posted by: Peggy A Woolwine | May 18, 2010 at 07:45 PM
Please accept our sincere condolences on Inquisitor's passing. She is a 'twin' of our adopted cat, Cuddles, whose only difference is being very shy toward other people. We have no two-legged children, and the loss of any of our previous cats was every bit as devastating as if they had been biological offspring. I still shed tears and grieve three years after the passing of Gregory, whose main job in life had been to convert me from a dog person to a cat lover.
Again, you have our sympathies.
Posted by: Paul and Camilla Kettle | May 18, 2010 at 08:13 PM
My heart just breaks for you.
My dogs are my children. I
would lay down my life for them. I like animals so much
more than people.
She was lucky to have you as
her family.
God Bless You.
Posted by: Lisa Scott | May 28, 2010 at 03:10 PM
I am so very sorry about Inquisitor. I just recently lost a 15 year old cat and know how you feel................Jackie
Posted by: Jackie Corby | June 04, 2010 at 09:17 PM
Condolences on the loss of your little friend. There are never too many friends in one's world so each loss is deeply felt. I can tell Quizzy was a special friend so it's appropriate she had special friends like you to spend her limited time with.
Posted by: Audrey Stone | July 19, 2010 at 08:19 AM
Very sorry to hear about Inquisitor. As one of those Cat People, I can only imagine how much you miss her. At least she had obviously loving and awesome people to own.
Thank you for the cat decks. They are my favorite.
Posted by: El Gato Loco | September 20, 2010 at 09:43 PM