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May 27, 2009



I was glad to see your blog entry. How is the economic crisis hitting your business? Is solitaire immune to the downturn?

Finally, Catblogging pictures are nice.


Hi Tom... my name is Larry Wendlandt and I just order PGS for Windows... gift CD... via some excellent correspondence with the vice president, and with the help of RegNow. I've had some hands-on time with PGS on another's computer, and have heard nothing but good things about it. Keep up the good work! The vice president did an excellent job helping me, too. Although the vice president told me a few personal things about you guys and your lives, we could still stand to see "the full story". I don't really care about the business so much. What about you and the VP's hobbies? Ages? Kids? Political alignments? Religious alignments? Beliefs? Bad habits? Do you use Visual Studio for dev? Do you gen Mac products... FROM Visual Studio? All VB code? Do you ever have to do machine/assembly language crap?

But that's getting business-ish again, isn't it? Got pets? Who/What are they? Ever been to Olney Illinois to see the non-albino white squirrels they have there? Have you figured out how to get toothpaste back into the tube? Are you and the VP's parents alive? Are they a pain in the ass and czar-ish, like MY parents are? Ever find hair growing out of your ears? Ever go over to St. Louis? Did you know that Fibbonaci numbers...


...are all over the place within lifeforms and nature? (My hobby). Ever wonder if snails grow with their coils in the opposite direction... in the southern hemisphere? Did you know you can dissolve tiny pieces of clouds... by staring at them? Know anything about quantum physics and/or string theory? Do you believe the Earth was a planned and designed thing, or happenstance? Ever tie a piece of delicious corn-on-the-cob... onto a deep sea fishing pole, and cast it into a pig pen, and have tug-o-wars with sows and boars? Ever think about Earth electromagnetism and magnetometers? Do you think the great pyramids... are sound /music-related... in any way? Do you think wintertime window frost patterns... are fractal and plant/fern-shaped... out of happenstance? Do you think window frost patterns... and certain plants... are shaped that way because they are listening to a musical chord?

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