Last night, our power plant exploded.
CWLP Plant Damaged by Explosion
We live just across the lake from the power plant. Many of the pictures in that news story were taken only a couple of blocks away from our house.
Disarranging Mine liveblogged the whole thing. The explosion was heard miles away. From all reports, people were panicking all over town.
We had no idea anything was going on.
Anne didn't hear it. She was watching a DVD with headphones on. I heard it. There was a loud noise and the house shook. At first I thought it was the cats running amok upstairs. Then I remembered that Pumpkin is in solitairy confinement in one of the bedrooms (more about why that is in another post), so that couldn't be it. Then I figured it must be a jet flying low, probably a National Guard fighter jet. Those guys fly around here all the time. It went on for awhile, but I didn't think anything of it. Our power never went off and we didn't hear any sirens (not surprising, they would have come to the power plant from the other direction).
So, despite an explosion and fire going on just blocks away, we were able to have a typical Saturday night watching Torchwood in peace.
We found out about it this morning on the internet. Oh, that's what that noise was!
I'm glad you were all okay. :-)
Posted by: Sheila Manning | November 12, 2007 at 11:32 AM