We have just released a new version of Solitaire Wizard.
This is the first new version of Solitaire Wizard since 2001. This version updates the product to bring in all the feature changes we have made in our other products since then, including support for downloadable card sets. It also updates it to work better in Windows Vista.
Solitaire Wizard is a collection of 16 solitaire games, all games similar to the classic game Klondike (which is the actual name of the solitaire game that comes with Windows that Microsoft just called "Solitaire"). It is a companion product to Spider Wizard and FreeCell Wizard. Updates of both of those games are in the works, but Solitaire Wizard was released first since it had been so long since I'd last updated it.
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Posted by: Paul Veverka | May 22, 2007 at 04:15 PM