Hi, here's a few topics for today:
1) I recently got a Mac for the first time. It's a laptop (called a MacBook) and I have to say it is very nice. Everything in the interface is backwards. Also, I definitely think that Windows has a superior feature with left click/right click as opposed to Mac's just click. But overall I like it.
As you might guess, the reason I got a Mac is that we are developing a Mac product. I sent out a newsletter yesterday with a request for beta testers. I got a ton of testers for Windows, but we could definitely use more testers for Macs. Email me at [email protected] if you have a Mac and would like to be a beta tester for what will eventually be the greatest solitaire game available for Macs.
Oh, and the MacBook came with a remote control. Now how far away do they think you can really get from a laptop?
2) The pet food recall saga continues. The best place for information is at Howl911. I am switching to cat foods without wheat gluten. After trying some new brands, it looks like Natural Balance will be our cats new dry food. In a unscientific preference test, it is the preferred food, especially by torties.
3) Microsoft really screwed up with their latest Windows Update. See this Slashdot article. Among the applications it breaks is Solitaire Plus. We used to sell this game (and we still sell the Mac version), so we've been getting a lot of email about it.
This is why I never turn on Windows Updates. It is supposed to fix security problems, but to me the real security risk is that Microsoft will update something that will totally crash Windows. I wouldn't be surprised if it happened someday.
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