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January 21, 2007


Andrey Butov


I amended the Wikipedia entry to include most the points you brought up that they forgot to mention.

Least I could do for being an inspiration to all small software business owners and indie game developers.

- Cheers

"Like Nick, I can't edit this entry (because of Wikipedia's policy that the person who knows the most about a subject can't contribute)."
Also the person who is very likely to have a NPOV.

Thomas Warfield

Thanks, Andrey.

To whomever: what's a NPOV? Can I park it in my driveway?



Just looked at the Wikipedia page - looks good, but it leads me to one question:

Is the bit about the cheat codes true???


No, that cheat code stuff is just wrong. I have no idea what that stuff is, it looks like it must have been copied from something else. Clearly some sort of bad edit of the article happened.

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