A few various items:
Update to the Digital River/eSellerate deal: There's more information about the deal on the Software Marketing Resource blog, including a link to Steve Kiene's blog. I particularly liked the statement in the comments "How long would this post have been back when you were outspoken?". Those of us who were at a particular eSellerate event at a recent SIC know the answer to that question!
I've been busy continuing to work on the new web sites and getting various issues fixed. During the process of updating the sites, I received an email announcing an update of EditPadPro, a great text editor I use. I was having some problems with Homesite at the time, it wasn't working well on my new computer. And the version of Homesite I was using is about 10 years old. But it turns out that EditPadPro can be used as an HTML editor as well, so I upgraded and it really, really helped my productivity with the HTML coding. I know everybody has their own favorite pet text editor, but if you are looking for a good one, EditPadPro is definitely one to look at.
Finally, things are going to be a little slow around here as I take a bit of a break prior to next month's SIC.
I second the recommendation for EditPadPro - it's a very fine programmer's editor that I use exclusively, now. And it's also an example of a shareware program that has succeeded, thru perseverance and innovation, in a VERY competitive market segment.
It's too bad about HomeSite. I used to use that as well, and it was the best of its breed for awhile. Now it's an unfortunate example of a shareware program that went to seed after the original developer sold it off to a corporate entity that didn't appreciate the user community. RIP HomeSite.
Posted by: Randy Rasa | June 22, 2006 at 08:10 AM
EditPadPro is pretty cool, I would also give EditPlus a try, we had registered version at my work computers, it was pretty good for doing HTML and C++. Some of the stuff in it, like the macros and column select were fantastic.
Posted by: Maw!Soft | June 28, 2006 at 06:59 AM
Glad to hear you're liking the new version of EditPad Pro, Tom.
I won't be making it to the SIC this year, unfortunately.
Posted by: Jan Goyvaerts | July 04, 2006 at 08:09 PM