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June 21, 2006


Randy Rasa

I second the recommendation for EditPadPro - it's a very fine programmer's editor that I use exclusively, now. And it's also an example of a shareware program that has succeeded, thru perseverance and innovation, in a VERY competitive market segment.

It's too bad about HomeSite. I used to use that as well, and it was the best of its breed for awhile. Now it's an unfortunate example of a shareware program that went to seed after the original developer sold it off to a corporate entity that didn't appreciate the user community. RIP HomeSite.


EditPadPro is pretty cool, I would also give EditPlus a try, we had registered version at my work computers, it was pretty good for doing HTML and C++. Some of the stuff in it, like the macros and column select were fantastic.

Jan Goyvaerts

Glad to hear you're liking the new version of EditPad Pro, Tom.

I won't be making it to the SIC this year, unfortunately.

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