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May 31, 2006



I think there is some...Natural Law of the Internet, maybe...that kicks in when you re-design your Web site. Visits drop, which causes a drop in sales.

It's like the redesign "breaks" some link in the connective tissue of the Web.

Frankly...it sucks.


Ian M. Jones

Hi Thomas,

When you say you're "testing to see whether it is the new site design that is causing the drop in sales", how exactly are you going about that?

I'd love to hear how you go about testing such things.




I don't know whether this is relevant but I have a fast broadband connection and the (java?) menus are slow to load, appearing a second or so after the rest of the site.


Joseph Bruno

If I click on one of your menus then I get sent to an arbitrary page from within the menu - presumably the page that you thought I'd be most likely to want.
This means that if I am
1. Not Javascript-enabled.
2. Too impatient to wait until all the images on your page have been downloaded and displayed and the menus consequently activated.
3. Too stupid to hover over the menu instead of clicking on it.
... then I never get to see most of your pages!
I suggest that each main menu item should link to an ugly little intermediate page that lists all the items within that particular menu and lets me click on the one I want.

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