The transition to the new web site design continues.
Today a fourth site has updated: FreeCell Wizard.
The previous sites updated were Most Popular Solitaire, Solitaire Wizard, and Action Solitaire.
In other changes, I also completely re-did the main index page for Most Popular Solitaire. It is now in a sales letter format like most of the other sites. While I've had this format most of the time for most sites since 2001, I didn't do it for Most Popular Solitaire when the game was released this year. There's been a lot of talk lately in various shareware forums about the performance of sales letter type pages, so I decided to give it a try for that product. We'll see if it improves sales.
The site design changes has been sucking up most of my time lately. There are still the 3 biggest sites left to go, including the big one of itself.
You might wanna look at this:
Posted by: me | May 28, 2006 at 11:31 AM