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May 19, 2006


Winter Wolves Games

Tried here with firefox and works. I like it :)

Tiago Tresodli

Just to note: your JavaScript runs flawlessly on Firefox for Linux, too. :)


If you run google analytics, check the number of clicks on your new javascript menus. We just removed all of ours after a couple of years because the clickthrus on the dropdown menus were almost zero.

Gregg Seelhoff

One suggestion on the JavaScript menus: If someone clicks directly on the menu bar (e.g., 'Buy Now') instead of the dropdown, it should do something, going to either a selection page or the default option.

Also, the Cleverbridge page was a little slow (more than 5 seconds) to respond the first time (only), though that could certainly have been my connection.


I have never heard of Cleverbridge before. Is it any good? Why not use plimus?

BTW the Cleverbridge page is a bit slow here too.


Good to know it works on Linux. Although since all of our games are for Windows, it is really the Windows platforms that I'm concerned about.

I've been watching the logs carefully and its clear that people are definitely clicking on the Javascript menus.

Thanks for pointing that out, I've fixed it so that clicking directly on the menu bar now works. Of course the developer didn't provide any kind of information on how the menu bar works, I had to figure it out.

Cleverbridge does seem to be a little slow in loading.

I'll be finding out whether they are any good. I considered Plimus but they had a number of problems and chose Cleverbridge instead.


You need to use css to define your sizes, because your menu bar went to two lines on my ie browser. Also, I think you should be able to click the images on the Left Hand side, not just the title above it.


Is there anyway my email can be removed from the previous post? I don't want it open on the internet like it is now.

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