Welcome to the Carnival of Marketing! This is a selection of seven of the best blog posts on marketing from the past week.
Here are this week's selections:
- China's New Statue for Brotherhood and World Peace. Jack Yeost posts about McDonald's in China.
- Don't Fake it Till You Make It. Dave at Career Intensity posts about being honest in your marketing.
- Exclusive Interview with Plentyoffish.com. Andrew Johnson posts an interview with the founder of a dating site. The site is making $10,000 a day from Google AdSense. And it is a two person (husband and wife) business (!), just like we at goodsol.com are. Now that's inspiring!
- The World is Full of Crap Marketing, That is your Opportunity. Jim Logan posts about how your marketing can stand out from the crowd just by not being crap.
- 10 Tips for More Blog Traffic. A list from Performancing for bloggers who want to market their blog better.
- The Wisdom of Niches: Why Experts Still Matter. Businesspundit posts about the perennial popular product vs. niche product issue.
And since this is a blog in the independent/casual game industry, the special casual game post is:
- Portals Are Good. Phil Steinmeyer explains why he thinks portals are good. Personally, I don't think they are good, but they aren't bad either, they just are. At least for now.
And that is this week's Carnival of Marketing.
If you are interested in hosting the Carnival of Marketing, email Noah at noah [at] okdork.com with your website and which date you want to host the carnival. If you want to submit a post to a future carnival, articles can be entered on the Blog Carnival submission form.