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February 24, 2006



Pumpkin just wants to have fun! We have an orange cat with orange eyes also.


Why do they go there? Maybe they know they aren't allowed to...


A few years ago I adopted a cat from a cat sanctuary called Suzie. She was so scared when I got her home that she managed to scale the bottom side of my stairs and squeeze through a tiny hole into the gap between the ceiling and the floor above. And stayed there.

Eventually I had to prise up the floor of one of the bedrooms to get her out before she starved.

The story does have a happy ending though: she settled down nicely and is a lovely little cat.


My dad's cat would use the stairs to get on top of the furnace duct and hide where she could not be reached.
Then she would cry as she couldn't get down.
The worst part was that the ducts were wrapped in fiberglass and she always got sick after she got up there.
It was frustrating.

Carl Gundel

I haven't owned a cat in a few years now, but if I did she would sure regret jumping on top of our hot water heater. That thing gets brutally hot! :-/

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