If you have a blog and use Firefox as your browser, check out Performancing for Firefox 1.1. It's a Firefox extension that gives you a little blog editor down at the bottom of your Firefox window.
I'm writing this post in Performancing, so if you are reading this, then it works :)
And if you are not using Firefox, you should. Download it here. Also, Firefox is best used with the Tab Mix Plus extension. This extension lets you configure tabbed browsing the way it should be done, similar to Netcaptor for Internet Explorer.
Also, there's a new business blog site called Jotzel. It's a blog aggregator site for business related blogs, but with a difference. Instead of just picking up RSS feeds from a bunch of blogs and aggregating them, users submit posts to the site and vote on submissions and the posts with the most votes show up on the main page of the site. Very cool. Jotzel is done by the same people who created the Carnival of the Capitalists. The latest Carnival is at Patent Baristas.
Well, Performancing is for starters (I mean, for starters in blog clients, or offline blog editing). The real thing is BlogJet :)
Though, I'm biased :)
Posted by: Dmitry Chestnykh | January 24, 2006 at 08:30 AM