Steve Pavlina has a interesting post today: How to Build a High-Traffic Web Site (or Blog).
He gives ten good rules to follow to build traffic to a web site or blog. The most important rules are the first three, which could be summed up in the one sentence:
Create valuable, original, timeless content.Of course, Steve being Steve he goes into great detail. One thing was clear from the first moment he appeared in the Association of Shareware Professionals newsgroups years ago, Steve can write.
I need to create more content for my web sites, not just the blogs but the solitaire games web sites as well. When the redesign that is in progress is complete, I will definitely be looking at ways I can apply these rules to create more content.
I read Steve's stuff all the time and listen to his podcasts. He's got some great ideas. (not so sure about the polyphasic sleep)
Posted by: Sheila Manning | January 26, 2006 at 12:54 PM