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January 28, 2006


David Michael

I was homeschooling that year. I heard it on the radio and went down to see the news on TV. I don't remember if I was programming or writing at the time. I just know I was upstairs at my desk.


Gregg Seelhoff

On that day, I was in my office at Midwestern Technical Products (now defunct), where I was the Service and Support Coordinator. One of our computer technicians walked to the convenience store and saw the news on the TV they had there. On his return, sounding very concerned, he asked, "Did you hear the news?" What few people remember is that one of the main stories at that time was a pissing match between Reagan and Khadafi, so my first thought was that we were going to war over an imaginary line in the ocean. The shuttle tragedy changed the national focus immediately. (Reagan ended up bombing Libya within 3 months, though.)

Winter Wolves Games

I had 11 years, I was trying to program my 1st game with C64 using the great Basic V2.0
I remember that in those days I was getting bad results at school, and my father telling me that I won't get anywhere with "those computers" :)

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