It's time to look back at 2005.
The main change in 2005 was that this was the year that my stock trading broke out and became a major part of my income. In the end, the profit from the business exceeded the profit from stock trading, but it was close and it has never been even close before. This is something that has been coming for several years. The accumulation of nearly 10 years of profits invested in the stock market was eventually going to start earning significant money whenever the market cooperated and this was the year it happened. 2006 has the potential to be even better. All it would take would be a 15% or greater return and the stock market would likely exceed the business in profits. Of course, 2006 is likely to be a down year in the market since it is the low of the 4 year cycle, so a 15% return next year will be a challenge.
In 2005 I got 100% returns or better (double or better) in HANS, NTRI, and GROW and quite a few other good trades. The big event of the year in my stock trading was the start of my stock trading blog at .
Quite a bit happened at Goodsol Development this year. We released a couple of new versions of Pretty Good Solitaire, a new version of Pretty Good MahJongg, a new version of Action Solitaire, and a new game, Most Popular Solitaire. I was pleased that sales of Action Solitaire look like they might be in a nice upswing as sales in the last few months of 2005 nearly equalled the sales when it was initially released 2 years ago. It was nice to see that the game may have legs. The game has a group of core fans that play it a lot but it has been a hard sell to a wider audience. The portals were uninterested in it 2 years ago, but I wonder how many of the portal games from 2 years ago are selling as well now as they did then.
One of the big events of the year was Pretty Good Solitaire winning the Shareware Industry Awards Foundation People's Choice Award again.
On the personal side, there weren't many changes this year. This was our first full year with the new cat Pumpkin, who hasn't lost much of her kittenish enthusiasm yet. I'm sure the other cats wish that in 2006 Pumpkin would stop jumping on them. This was the last year for the cornfield behind our house as it will be turned into a park next year. We intended to buy a new car this year, but didn't. All in all, it was kind of a boring year, but considering that too much happened in 2004, boring was good.