It's time for some more Friday CatBlogging.
Cat Pictures Needed
Due to the success of the Cat Card Set for Pretty Good Solitaire, we are going to make another one! And this time your cat can be on it. We are accepting submissions of pictures of cats for inclusion in the new card set.

Here are the rules: we are looking for pictures of cats in electronic form. The picture you submit must be owned by you and be of your pet. By submitting you are giving us permission to use it in the card set and any promotion of the card set. The pictures need to be in either JPG or BMP format and be as high quality as possible, as they will be resized, cropped and otherwise manipulated to create a good looking playing card.

Email the picture file to [email protected] along with your name and physical address and the name of the pictured cat. We can't guarantee that we will use every submission as there are only a limited number of cards in a deck, but if we get enough pictures we may do multiple card sets.

The cuter the cat and the higher the quality of the picture, the better. Send us your kitties!