I have just returned from a shareware schmooze in Grand Rapids, Michigan. A schmooze is similar to a conference such as the SIC, except it is smaller and we do away with the pretense of a formal program. It's just a get-together for people in the industry to talk about stuff.
This schmooze was put on by Sheila Manning, who did an excellent job.
I drove up from Springfield to Grand Rapids on Thursday. The trip was uneventful and there wasn't much traffic, except in Grand Rapids itself as I hit town right at evening rush hour. I arrived in the hotel, managed to get a room (they only had 4 rooms left!), and found the Schmooze room to meet everybody.
Later that evening a group of us, including Gregg, Tim & Sharon, and Diwant walked across the street to the Smokey Bones restaurant and had an excellent meal. We returned to the hotel for more talking (As you will see, a Schmooze mostly consists of talking and eating).
On Friday morning, after a morning session of donuts and talk, we travelled a few blocks to the ITT Technical Institute, which is a small private college-like technical training institute. There we met with a group of students who have a game design club and are interested in becoming game designers/programmers. We talked with the students for a couple of hours and had an institutional lunch there. Then we returned to the hotel for more talking in the schmooze room.
Friday evening a group of us went across town to a restaurant called the Firehouse Grill. The group included Eric, Rosemary, Gary, Gregg, and two local friends of Eric's. The meal was good and the gelato dessert was excellent. After the meal we had to walk what seemed like half a mile back to the cars as the restaurant was near a high school football game and every space on every street all around was just filled with parked cars.
Saturday was more of the same. A morning session with donuts became an afternoon session with a few leftover donuts. For lunch, Diwant, Rich Holler, Fred, Loren and Kim and I went to Big Boy (can you believe there are people from the midwest who have never eaten at a Big Boy?).
When I returned from lunch, I met my artist Rick for the first time in person. We have been working together for years over the internet, but we'd never met before.
Finally, Saturday night a group of us including Tim & Sharon, Loren & Kim, Gianfranco & Colleen and Gregg travelled about 30-40 miles to Gregg's cabin/trailer in the country, where we grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and after dark had a campfire. We made smores and told ghost stories. It was a beautiful night and was almost the perfect temperature (Michigan could have been a lot colder than it was). There was a full moon which really lit up the night.
Some people spent the night out there in tents, but I rode back to the hotel with Gianfranco & Colleen as I'm not big on camping out, not to mention that I had a paid-for hotel room to sleep in.
On Sunday morning I returned back through Michigan and Indiana back home. It was an excellent schmooze, my 8th one (I believe). Next year the unofficial word is that the schmooze will be held in Bloomington, Indiana.