We have acquired a new kitten! We were not intending to have a new kitten, but a new kitten had us.
The short version of the story is that a Siamese cat has been coming into our yard regularly for months. One day, she brought a kitten with her. It was clear that she had these kittens very nearby. Six days later, the kitten came into our yard and I grabbed it. I estimate that it was about 3 weeks old at the time.
For the first week or so we had to bottle feed the kitten, but then she transitioned to wet food. The kitten is black except for a white spot under her chin. We named her Smokey. It's hard to get pictures of her because she won't stay still, but here are a few:

There is more to the story. Our big question was, are there any more kittens? It turns out the answer is yes, there is apparently one more kitten. So far, we have been unable to capture the other kitten (or the mother, who we would not want to capture until we got all the kittens). The mother is still coming into our yard, so the story isn't over yet.
But for now, Smokey is an extremely friendly and active kitten, although she is all claws and teeth. More to come.
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